Career Capital

People “No” You Before They “Know” You.

You are evaluated everyday...without knowing it.

You are being “no-ed” for opportunities without getting the chance for people to know you. To know how smart, talented, resourceful & efficient you really are. To know how perfect you are for that senior-level position, how great your network would be for a new opportunity or how you’re a natural fit to win an industry award. 

Stop living by... 
Start living by... 

But talking about yourself is hard. 

“I don’t want to brag!”
“I don’t want to seem self-centered!”
“It just feels...icky.”

That’s why we’re doing it together. 

It’s time to invest in your career capital, put your best foot forward & curate what shows up about you online.  



"Kim’s coaching is honest and powerful – professional development is YOUR responsibility, always use data to support your accomplishments, and seek industry recognition to further your career. Kim gave me the nudge (okay, shove) I needed to go after industry awards this year and it was well worth it. With Kim's support, I landed a spot on an industry list of the Most Powerful Women Under 40."

- Jennifer Reissman
Chief Marketing Officer, Seacoast Bank

Before a first date, important meeting or conference call we all do it…whip out our phones & google who we’re meeting with. 

Why? Because...

“I don't want to go on a date with some serial killer!"

“I'm not wasting my time with a junior person...I want to meet with the top exec!"

“I can't even find information on this person...why should I meet with them?"

By the end of the course you will have:

In this 4-Week Course you will learn how to represent your career & accomplishments online & in person in a way that welcomes new... 




without feeling sales-y, sleezy or self-promoting. 

A structured plan for leveraging mentors & advocates.

An optimized LinkedIn profile.

A template to apply for awards and honors that elevate your “career capital” and provide validation for quick-skimming third parties.

A game plan for sharing your expertise & knowledge online.

A networking & outreach system to connect to the “right people” in your industry.

"I wouldn't have landed in my dream job without our paths crossing and the constant encouragement you have provided. For proof, the CEO and CFO of my new company said one of the reasons they were interested in talking with me was from seeing my blog. The KIM effect strikes again!"

- Joseph Boylan
Senior Design Strategist, Throughline

This course is for anyone who wants to...

Refresh their first-impression online

 We’ll craft your career narrative together, making sure that when someone Google’s you their next thought is, “Now that’s someone I want to meet!”

Connect with Power Players

We’ll show you how to connect with, utilize & leverage the most interesting people in your industry.

Build a network that brings you opportunities

When someone hears about a new role, not-yet-public deal or industry award the first name they think of is yours.

Boost their influence 

We’ll show you how sharing your industry expertise will build you as the “go-to person” that people can rely on. 

Be considered for awards & honors

Your career isn’t kickball. You can’t wait to be picked. We’ll walk through how to set yourself up for recognition. 

Talk about their career with confidence

We’ll create talking points that reflect your career highlights while staying humble. We’re about serving, not self-promoting.

We’ll go in-depth on the following concepts

A rock-solid game plan for online content creation 

Outlining career goals & creating a North Star

How to work with the LinkedIn algorithm, not against it

Outreach tactics for capturing attention & interest from industry leaders & potential mentors

See Curriculum → 

After completing this course, you will:  

• Have a polished & professional LinkedIn profile & frameworks for expanding your network and connecting to the “right people” in your industry.

• Creating two-way relationships with industry mentors & advocates

• Applying for awards and honors which will help you elevate your “career capital” and provide validation for quick-skimming third parties. 

• Content Creation: Providing value & expertise to those in your network

Cohort-based Courses

Active Learning, not Passive Watching

Workshops are not for leaning back, they’re for leaning in. Kim plans on leaning in with you to dive into modules, lessons, frameworks & worksheets. From breakout sessions to real-time Q&A this fast-paced session will make the hours seem like minutes. 

A New Type of Online Course

Learn with a Cohort of Peers

Workout class is harder to skip when a friend is going with you. You also tend to work harder if someone is watching than if you’re alone. Knowing this, feedback and accountability will be major factors in your success. If you can’t hold yourself accountable, we’re there for you. 

special Guests

Kim has an extensive network of amazing guests that will be popping in throughout the 4-week course. Echoing her Coffee with Kim series where she interviews powerhouses like NY Times Best-Selling Author Jim Kwik & Entrepreneur Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer, these sessions will be intimate and give cohort students face time with industry leaders.  

from our students

Zakkiya Miller
Founder, Woke & Healthy
Cohort 1 alum

“I landed an A-List client & partnership deal thanks to Kim. She consistently removes the 6-degrees of separation to put the right people in the right rooms to make the most impact! ”


“I landed an A-List client & partnership deal thanks to Kim. She consistently removes the 6-degrees of separation to put the right people in the right rooms to make the most impact!”


“I wouldn't have landed in my dream job without our paths crossing and the constant encouragement you have provided. For proof, the CEO and CFO of my new company said one of the reasons they were interested in talking with me was from seeing my blog. The KIM effect strikes again! :)”

Learn with a comprehensive curriculum

Curate Your Career Narrative

Create Your First Impression

Create Community

Why let others curate your story? In Module 1 we cover how to take control of your career narrative. After deep diving into your course goals, Kim shares her K.N.O.W assessment, walks you through real world examples and outlines three common concerns about “career branding”.  

You can only make a first impression once. In today’s digital-first world, you are likely to get “Googled” before you even get to the door. Module 2 focuses on developing your digital doorstep through platforms like LinkedIn.

Your career is not kickball. You have to stop waiting to be picked to join the game. Module 3 walks you through becoming an active player in your career and industry by engaging in the digital ecosphere. By leveraging global platforms like LinkedIn, Kim breaks down how consistent connecting fosters fast-forming relationships and opportunities with current and future clients. 




Lure in Power Players

Build To Serve, Not Self-Promote

The age-old saying goes, “You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with” but in today’s digital-first era that expands to your network online as well. In Module 4, we will build a beacon to draw in high-level leaders and industry executives by sharing your expertise. Kim outlines how, by sharing her knowledge online, she built a beacon to attract clients like Oprah & Justin Bieber to her doorstep & provides you with templates to do the same.  

If you knew how to tie a shoelace & I didn’t, would you help me? Module 5 works to reframe your mentality to helping those around you by sharing your industry knowledge. Kim shares her concept of “serving over self-promotion” while giving templates and guidelines to help you begin to share your knowledge online.




Leverage Your Expertise

In Module 6 we will create a runway to launch your expertise to the next level. From finding career advocates to pinpointing applicable awards & honors, this session will not only widen your perspective but give you actionable steps to start up-leveling your career trajectory. 

Get Reimbursed by Your Employer

Use your company's PD budget

Many company's have a Professional Development budget allocated for each employee, this would be a great opportunity for you to use yours!

Make the request with this ready-made template 

We drafted this template for you. We listed the course benefits to you & your company so it's easy to ask for company funding.

"Kim Kaupe's training was a literal lifesaver. The week after hearing Kim speak, my husband's division was eliminated – we were out of work. At the time, I think we had maybe looked at his LinkedIn once or twice. We immediately put Kim's advice into action and over the next 6-8 months his contact count increased from 328 to 584 quality connections. We did Kim's "HGTV-style makeover" on his profile and immediately had more recruiters than we could speak with. He was offered a new position that pays $60k more than his last!"

- Avery C.

to be announced

course dates:

fall 2022



1250 usd

Frequently Asked Questions

Talking about myself seems...self-promotional. I was raised to be humble, isn’t this bragging? 

If a teacher asked a question in class & you knew the answer, what would you do?

You would likely raise your hand.

If you didn't, how would they call on you? Every day in your career you have the chance to raise your hand. To say, “I am the best person for that new senior leadership role,” or “I do think I should have a seat at the table.” By identifying how to leverage your expertise, expand your network and craft your career narrative others around you know you are open to opportunities – that you know the answer. If you don’t raise your hand, how is the world supposed to call on you?

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Do I have to attend all the live sessions in real-time? 

We all know life happens – the kids get sick, the client has a meltdown or the dog ate your homework (and then threw up.) Workshops will be recorded and available for replay. However, we strongly recommend you make time so that you can ask questions directly to Kim, join productive breakout sessions & network with guest lecturers. 

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What deliverables will I walk away with? 

This course relies on you taking action. While Kim can give you the “directions” for the GPS, it will take you “putting the car in drive” to create real change. By the end of the course you will have (1) a networking & outreach system to connect to the “right people” in your industry, (2) a structured plan for leveraging mentors & advocates, (3) an optimized LinkedIn profile, (4) a template to apply for awards and honors that elevate your “career capital” and provide validation for quick-skimming third parties and (5) a game plan for sharing your expertise & knowledge online. These repeatable processes will generate like-minded connections, new opportunities and help you craft your career capital.

Beyond the tangible items, you will foster new friendships and connections with leaders from around the world. If you are the summation of the people you spend the most time with, make sure you are including the best of the best.   

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When are the live group calls? 

The course has eight (8) live Zoom sessions across four (4) weeks. These take place on Monday from 7:00pm–8:30pm EST and Thursday from 1:00pm- 2:30pm. Attending the kickoff call – even if it means staying up late or waking up early – is highly encouraged. The pre-race jitters are real and it’s more fun to lace up our sneakers & get pumped up together! Course recordings and notes from the live sessions will be available afterward for those who can’t attend live.

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I’m not a seasoned professional, long-time leader or founder. Will I fit in here? 

The good news, there is never a bad time to invest in your career capital. The bad news, you can never stop investing in your career capital. Whether you are a few years out of university or have been thriving in your industry for three decades you can never stop investing in your story, your network or your knowledge. This is a great place for you if you’re eager to invest in yourself and are ready to take your career to the next level. 

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Why join Kim’s course? Can’t I google a lot of this info?  

You need black pants. Option 1: Scour the mall for hours trying on hundreds of pairs of black pants. Option 2: A friend lays out two pairs of black pants in your size & asks you to pick one. Obviously, Option 2. The internet is a shopping mall of bad fitting, good fitting and just okay options. You can spend months or years searching the internet for answers. I have lots of free advice littered throughout my blog, LinkedIn, Podcasts I’ve been on & magazines I’ve been featured in. You can try to run around collecting all the easter eggs...or I can just hand them to you. I’m excited to hand you the answers beautifully wrapped (if I do say so myself) and packaged with a global community of fellow leaders who are here to support you & cheer you on. I’m not saying you can’t do it the long & hard way, the question I’m asking is why would you? If someone gave me a “fast pass”, a cheat code or shortcut to learn faster in my career – I would take it & I think you should to. 

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What if I have more questions?

You have 2 options: 
1.) Check out this page which will tell you a bit more & give you some follow up info.

2.) Send over any questions or thoughts to and give us 24-48 hours to answer! We're trying to maintain this whole work/life balance thing so it might take us a day or two. 😉 Thanks for being awesome. We're excited to chat with you soon.

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"Kim's framework and processes have helped me take what I knew I was capable of in my minds eye & bring it to life. Her guidance has helped me hone in on my career narrative & get clear about where I'm going & where I want to be."

Sean Casper Johnson
Senior Director of e-Commerce, Universal Music Group

You should give the Career Capital Course a shot if you’re motivated by any of the following: 

You want to feel seen, heard & celebrated at work. 

You’ve had the super demanding job for years – putting out fires and putting other people first. You are fully aware that you don’t have the time, systems or career options you need to be living your best life. 

More importantly, you’d rather not spend the rest of your career wondering “what if” when it comes to being recognized for your work. You know your value but others aren’t perceiving it the way they should.  

You’re motivated to shake things up. You’ve finally inched up the nerve to invest in yourself & your career in a way you’ve never done before. Sure it can be scary to dive into something new, but you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.   

Still “thinking about it”?

I cannot wait to guide you over the next 4 weeks...

Investing in my career & raising my hand for opportunities has literally transformed my life. 

I’ve experienced what it’s like to go from terrified to be called on in the meeting to confidently presenting my knowledge and know-how with ease. From no “industry circle” to speak of to surrounded by some of the best, brightest & well-accredited in my industry. From googling “how to find a mentor” (yes, I did that) to have multiple mentors spanning ages, expertise & continents. 

If you’re a leader, founder or professional of any kind, you owe it to yourself (and us!) to share. To share your unique skills, in-depth insights and helpful how-to’s. To start playing with others who are ready to level up and go after their biggest wouldn’t-that-be-nice dreams. 

I want that same feeling for you. 

apply today!