Book Recommendations

In today’s outrage culture, quiet, smart leaders like Jessica Chen show that effective communication isn’t about being loud.

Jason Feifer shares the key to making panic work for you and what entrepreneurs should anticipate in the pending recession.

The world class marketer and author joined us to teach us how to refresh our stories and tell them with new clarity and passion.

Nick shared what the best day, time, and place to host a party is and activities to keep the crowd engaged.

We don’t gatekeep in the Coffee with Kim community! In this episode I’ll be sharing my favorite resources for life and work!

In 2022, I want to learn how to embrace challenges confidently! Enter today’s Coffee With Kim guest, Liane Davey. The New York Times best selling author, Harvard Business Review contributor, and self-proclaimed “water cooler psychologist” sat with us to give actionable steps on making conflict in the workplace less scary and more approachable. Learn to […]

This week’s CWK guest, Todd Dewett, is a master of all things leadership. Many look to this author and reformed professor turned solopreneur for advice on being successful in and out of the workplace. He sat with the CWK community to share some of his most helpful tips and tricks on getting promoted, leading with […]

You know how you may forget a name or face but never how someone makes you feel? The same goes for stories. As we get better at showing up as our best selves at work, at home, and online, it’s imperative to share the story of who you are and what’s important to you effectively. […]

Every Wednesday at 1pm EST on LinkedIn, you and I are going to talk about everything from business and entrepreneurship to career and mindset with industry leaders, experts, founders & CEO’s.

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The Ultimate On-Camera Starter Kit

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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!

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