
Which titles does Cheslie Kryst currently hold? A.) Complex Litigation Attorney in 2 States B.) Extra TV Correspondent C.) Miss USA 2019 D.) Board Member of Big Brothers, Big Sisters E.) All of the above That would be E.) All of the above! Which brings us to how on earth does she do it all?! […]

Best Question to Ask on ZOOM (7:40) Does anyone miss traveling? I do. I heard the best question on a group Zoom call last week and had to share. “If you could go anywhere in the world post-COVID, money no object, where would you go?” It’s deceptively hard. Is your first trip to see family? […]

Meet CEO & Founder of CityRow, Helaine Knapp (6:20) Today I brought a friend to coffee! The 411: Helaine worked a corporate job in New York, living the day to day grind with a steady paycheck and all the perks before an accident left her with a broken back. Doctors told her the workouts she […]

Ever been asked to “Hop on quick call” from a complete stranger? I fell for it the first few times and ended up in sales pitches or “pick my brain” conversations. I found that time, my most valuable resource, wasn’t being spent wisely. So I started a practice of guarding my time. I do that […]

Do you ever text a friend the day before you meet up just to say, “Thank God I’m going to see you tomorrow because I have A LOT going on!”?  That’s how I felt sending out my email Tuesday night.  This community gave me so much wisdom last Wednesday and I was really looking forward […]

Every Wednesday at 1pm EST on LinkedIn, you and I are going to talk about everything from business and entrepreneurship to career and mindset with industry leaders, experts, founders & CEO’s.

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The Ultimate On-Camera Starter Kit

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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!

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