
Monday post-vacation blues. How do you kick start your way back into work? Had a LOT of questions about this & I have a mantra for you that I picked up a few years ago…Monday’s are for ME! Think of Monday as YOUR day. No external meetings! No long conference calls! Monday’s are your day […]

Physically on vacation and mentally on vacation are two very different things. While getting yourself out the door is easy, getting your mind to relax is another! Here’s one quick fix that helps me stay off my email, organize my thoughts & gets me into vacation mode!🍹 🌞🏝

95% of the population wants to puke 🤢 when this comes up: PUBLIC SPEAKING! From snakes to spiders nothing seems to be more fearful then getting up in front of a room & presenting. However since starting my business 7 years ago I realized I was going to have to get over this fear (and […]

HALFWAY THROUGH 2018! Holy cow where the heck did the year go?! 😱 Time is flying and if you’re like me those New Year Resolutions might feel like forever go. 😬 It’s time to course correct! Time to make those little adjustments in the sails to help us achieve our goals! I’ll be busy this […]

The words you choose matter. Just as harmful words can affect other people, the words you choose to tell yourself matter just as much! I’m trying to make small changes in the way I talk to myself – it’s not grand but baby steps count! 💪🏼🙌🏼 Anyone else face this obstacle?!

I’m an airport runner or as I like to put it glider. When I glide through security, approach my gate, it’s already boarding so I walk right on. But sometimes there’s traffic, or my timing is off, & it’s a full blown 🏃🏻‍♀️ to the gate. I know I need to work on this. Many […]

What holds companies together? What makes people invaluable? What gets noticed beyond anything else by every person regardless of department, age, or seniority at a company? I bet the answer isn’t what you think. It’s often overlooked & it’s the most powerful – helping others! 💪🏼 Helping others rise, get things done, & being the […]

Mentoring matters. The fastest way to “get” in business (or life!) isn’t with endless books or podcasts, it’s by GIVING (although that doesn’t make 💰 so no one wants to tell you that! Ha!). It’s when you give your time, your brain power, your energy to helping others that the biggest breakthroughs unlock for you! […]

Every Wednesday at 1pm EST on LinkedIn, you and I are going to talk about everything from business and entrepreneurship to career and mindset with industry leaders, experts, founders & CEO’s.

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The Ultimate On-Camera Starter Kit

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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!

Grab This!