Book Recommendations

I miss getting together in the conference room for birthday’s. You know, the cupcakes, the sparkling water, the small talk – that was my jam! However, more than the cupcakes (although cupcakes are delicious!) I miss the feeling of community and celebration. I decided to recreate the conference room birthday party…virtually. Yes, I invited people […]

EPISODE #1 is in the books! They always say the first time the hardest and it gets easier but something tells me anytime you are “live” it’s always going to be a bit of that fly by the seat of your pants nervous adventure! We had such an amazing conversation that covered a wide range […]

Every Wednesday at 1pm EST on LinkedIn, you and I are going to talk about everything from business and entrepreneurship to career and mindset with industry leaders, experts, founders & CEO’s.

Tune in

The Ultimate On-Camera Starter Kit

Grab your guide

If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!

Grab This!