Chris shared a lot of negotiation skills with us. He mentions “a walk away point” and tips for negotiating at current jobs vs new jobs.
Want a new job? How about a raise? These career moves are in your control once you learn the templates and tactics to use to get them!
Join Mary and I as we discuss how to communicate and collaborate with your boss and how to avoid brown-nosing or coming across disrespectful.
Start to THINK like an entrepreneur. How do I proactively solve problems? What’s keeping me from what I want? What’s worth it in my career?
How to avoid resume pitfalls and what skills to highlight. Plus, how to get past the newest application gatekeeper.
The world class marketer and author joined us to teach us how to refresh our stories and tell them with new clarity and passion.
Preparing for big opportunities isn’t hard when you know how. Follow these tips and tricks to stay ready for your next big career break.
Networking tips to help accelerate you into successful career pivots and what to avoid when networking.
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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!