What is content and what is an advertisement? We discussed how to spot when you’re being marketed to and some takeaways to use in your work.
Looking to share your expertise online? Here are some tips on how to establish yourself as an authority in your field.
Our aim is for your LinkedIn profile to not only rank high on Google’s search results but to wow others from the first glance.
Join us to learn Kristina’s process on setting goals, figuring out who you are as the main character and the real shortcut to success.
Want a new job? How about a raise? These career moves are in your control once you learn the templates and tactics to use to get them!
To celebrate my course reaching 288,000 views I’m answering all of your questions about entrepreneurship on this episode of Coffee With Kim.
How to avoid resume pitfalls and what skills to highlight. Plus, how to get past the newest application gatekeeper.
The world class marketer and author joined us to teach us how to refresh our stories and tell them with new clarity and passion.
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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!