
Sticking to good habits is SO tough this time of year! At least it is for me. 😬 I constantly say, “Well it’s the holidays!” as if it’s a free-for-all excuse to have ice cream for breakfast, stay up later than normal & spend too much on Cyber Monday 🤦🏻‍♀️ So I’m going to try […]

What have you been putting off? Been “waiting for the right time” to start? To get a “little further ahead” before diving in? Whatever it is – START! The fastest way to success is to BEGIN! Even the smallest of baby steps is movement towards the life you want to be living. Today is Monday. […]

“Easy” “Quick” “Hack” “Fast” we see these trigger words and we JUMP! “10 Quick Diet Tricks” Click, click, click. I’m guilty of trying to hack my way through life & then getting upset when the results aren’t “there”. So lately I’ve been exercising & strengthening 💪🏼 the most important skill that NO ONE WANTS TO […]

Are you poisoning yourself? ☠️ We know in our everyday lives not to surround ourselves with negative influences but we also have an entire DIGITAL LIFE! I realized some of my digital life was spent feeling sad or bad about my life or where I live or my body or what I eat or what […]

My newest way of alleviating stress is brain dumping. At any given time (*especially* when I’m laying down to 😴 at night) I have a million ideas bouncing around my head from “Did that proposal get sent out?” to “Need to pick up peanut butter!” As a way to calm my mind I put every […]

Do you find your voice cringe-worthy? What about watching yourself on tape? 😬 Ekkk! I *know* the sheer thought of it makes you wince. BUT it is oh-so-important to help yourself grow in the workplace. It’s important to sound strong, confident & sure of yourself no matter what the environment! 💪🏼 Here’s a tactic I’ve […]

I am a victim of “yes” quite a bit. My guess is you are too. You WANT to help out a coworker who’s falling behind, you LOVE volunteering on the weekend, and OF COURSE you will help organize the surprise birthday. Before you know it it’s 2am you’re making posters for the marathon & saying […]

Please add “Celebrate!” to your To Do List this week. We spend *SO* much time on “the next” – you’re guilty of it (so am I!). The next project, the next promotion, the next client, the next item on your to do list. ✏️ Take time this week to celebrate 🎉 Celebrate finishing that big […]

Every Wednesday at 1pm EST on LinkedIn, you and I are going to talk about everything from business and entrepreneurship to career and mindset with industry leaders, experts, founders & CEO’s.

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The Ultimate On-Camera Starter Kit

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If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!

Grab This!