Initiating hard conversations is key to reducing costly mistakes, driving growth, and building a drama-free culture.
Knowing how to navigate conflict at work is critical. In this conversation Lisa shares actionable tips and scripts to help.
Erin Shrimpton shared tips for navigating change in the workplace and how to continue to show up with an experimental attitude.
Tips on engaging teams, involving naysayers, and reading nonverbals to successfully pitch your big ideas and improve communication at work.
Whether you’re on a team of 1 or 100 having a solid plan in place for using AI is going to be key in the coming years.
Channel your anxiety into something productive. Join us to learn how to receive feedback, deliver tough news, and fight imposter syndrome.
Maya and I dove into what’s holding people back from working their way into upper management and how you can get there without burning out.
Chris shared a lot of negotiation skills with us. He mentions “a walk away point” and tips for negotiating at current jobs vs new jobs.
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I'm teaching a 4-week course to help you create, build & plan your online business presence. By the end of this course you will have a blueprint to help you publicly align yourself with industry leaders, strategically grow your online network and craft a repeatable narrative. Your self-branding will be your competitive advantage.
A 101 masterclass jam-packed with juicy details & a step by step guide on how to build a business or side hustle.
Start, build and expand your company (without outside funding!) using the cost-saving tips, marketing tricks and brand-building techniques outlined in this course.
If you have to present via Zoom or you’re gearing up for video-based content creation this guide is for you!